The Team Nutz Crew Traveled to KnowledgeFest in Indy

PITTSBURGH, PA (10.18.2021) – The Team Nutz crew made the 360 mile trip from Pittsburg to Indianapolis late Thursday, October 7th, to attend KFest Indy that ran Friday through Sunday, October 8th-10th.

The Team Nutz SUV and the Vince Murray’s Jeep Gladiator stopped for a break Thursday night between Pittsburgh and Indianapolis.
One last late night stop between Pittsburgh and Indy.

Team Nutz leader Ed Nuttall related, “We looked at this is a great opportunity to attend a number of training sessions by National Trainers, see products from a number major brands on the event floor with their reps and network with other members of the 12volt industry. Staff members from our sales and installation made the trip. Staff members included Ben Bjerke, Brandon Star, Colleen Gregory and Mike Pent.”

Early Saturday morning it was time to check in and get ready for the day.
 The Team Nutz crew at the Race Sport Lighting booth listening to a presentation from Steve Jergensen.

In addition, Vince Murray was with crew. “Vince is a friend and customer plus his Jeep Gladiator Sport S was displayed in the Metra booth. Team Nutz completed the installation on Vince’s Gladiator with an extensive selection of Heise lighting and Metra products” Nuttall stated.

Continuing, “We arrived in Indy after midnight and caught a few hours of sleep before getting all done with event registration Friday morning. After getting our badges we split into groups and attended every training session through the day. As soon as the show floor opened we made the rounds to check out the booths of vendors we work with in our store. Seeing Vince’s demo vehicle in the Metra booth with Jason Anderson was terrific” Nuttall added.

Team Nutz Ed Nuttall (R) and Rusty North-End Result. “It’s great to see the commitment Team Nutz made to attend KFest as a group and to grow their business” North stated.
The Team Nutz crew recapped KF Day 1 and enjoyed group dinner.

Further Nuttall offered “Spending time in the Race Sport Lighting booth to see new products with Steve Jergensen and Ignacio Ayala was time well spent as the lighting category is certainly growing. Rusty North, End Result, is our rep and it was good to make plans for growth with him.”

During a nice dinner Friday night the crew discussed the days activities and then rested up to get ready for Saturday.

Team Nutz believes in getting it done. Nuttall has already applied for and received his first certification, signed by Kris Bulla, from MECP that began during KFest Indy.

On Saturday the crew again split up to attend every training session on the schedule. They spent time in the Sony booth to check out the new demo car and the new head unit that debuted at KFest. In addition they spent time with Kris Bulla in the MECP booth to check out a new program MECP has introduced.

Vince Murray (L) and Jason Alexander in the Metra booth with Vince’s Jeep Gladiator Sport S loaded with Heise Lighting and Metra gear on the KFest floor.

“I was very impressed with the new MECP package and purchased an application for our entire staff of 12 people. As Saturday wound down we made the decision to head back to Pittsburgh since we had already attended all of the trainings that were on the Sunday schedule. Attending KFest Indy was overall a positive experience for Team Nutz as we met our objectives,” Nuttall concluded.

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